Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Christian Values

        At Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy, we provide a safe and stimulating environment where all can flourish. These Christian Values sit side by side with our British Values, 3Rs and many other life values and permeate through all aspects of school life. The children live out these values in all that they do.

        Each term has a different Christian Value as a focus, and the children take great pride in demonstrating how they are able to live this value out.

        (Please click any of the Christian Values to find out more information about that particular Value)

        Creation and Respect & Reverence

        Friendship and Peace

        Perseverance and Courage

        Forgiveness and Compassion

        Trust and Hope

        Thankfulness and Humility

        Our Christian Values will be lived out in our school with the help of our Collective Worship Council. Our Collective Worship Council is made up of children from each year group across the school. Their main aims are to play an active role in planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship and to support Bourne Abbey as a Church school. As part of their role, they also undertake projects to help to reinforce our Christian Values, such as; a Prayer Book containing prayers linked to all Christian Values to be used in Collective Worship and in times of reflection; taking an active role in supporting our local community, for example delivering food to the local food bank and delivering our Christmas Trees to the Bourne Methodist Church Christmas Tree Festival at Christmas time; creating Reflection Area activities to inspire and encourage the children at our school to actively put our Christian Values into practise. Our Collective Worship Council are an integral part of Bourne Abbey and our Church distinctiveness. We are very proud of their achievements so far and excited about their up and coming ventures throughout this academic year!


        Christian Narrative September 2024