The future continues to be Green!
We are excited to announce we have achieved our second Eco Schools Green Flag award!
Pupil involvement has continued to be a key part of our journey, with children from each class making up our Green Team. For our first Green Flag award they chose Energy, Waste and Water as their three eco topics. This time, after completing a new environmental review our Green Team decided on an additional two areas they wanted to improve: Biodiversity and Transport. They worked together to create an action plan which outlined their actions and next steps. The Green Team have led collective worships and held class meetings to inform the whole school about their work, any campaigns and upcoming projects.
Being an Eco School has helped to raise environmental awareness, create community links, improve the environment and become more sustainable. But most importantly it has empowered our pupils to become Agents of Change by leading change within our school and giving them a voice. It has helped them to see their responsibility to the environment. This has resulted in increased confidence within our children and helped to develop their leadership skills and ultimately make adults of the future.
Throughout the last two years we have continued to make links with several organisations such as Anglian Water, Lincolnshire Carbon Ambassadors Scheme, EDF Energy’s The Pod, Empties Please, Big Battery Hunt, Big Bug Hunt, RSPB Bird Watch, School Gardening Award and Living Streets.
One of our highlights has been working alongside Living Streets and promoting active and sustainable travel. Through our walk to school week and using Travel Tracker we have seen a decrease of 10% in journeys to school by vehicles. Additionally, the Green Team members in Key Stage 1 enjoyed making our school grounds more insect, bird and butterfly friendly. They planted bulbs in the environmental area and put up bird boxes and feeders. They monitored their impact and noticed an increase of wildlife within the school grounds.
Although we have once again achieved our Green Flag award, being an Eco School is an ongoing commitment and our work doesn’t stop here. We are already looking at our next set of targets and we are looking forward to changing the world one step at a time. Watch this space!
We would like to say a massive thank you to our parents and carers for their continuous support with our projects and campaigns over the last two years.