Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Safer Internet Day 2023

        Author: Jill Bates

        E-Safety Champions Lead Collective Worships

        E-Safety champions did a brilliant job of leading a Collective Worship about how to stay safe online and who to talk to about a problem or a worry. Key Stage One and Key Stage Two e-safety champions delivered separate Worships to their peers.

        Key Stage One children supported Miss Bergmann in delivering the Worship. Lilly (in class 1T) lit the candle and invited children to welcome Jesus into the room. Charlie (in class 1T) introduced this this year’s theme which was “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”. Lucy (in class 2S) introduced our story “Hanni and the Magic Window” and challenged the children to be courageous and talk about anything they feel worried about with an adult. Keeley (in class 1B) reminded everyone about their safe hands and their right to be protected from harm and to be kept safe. Miss Bergmann and Sam (in class 2AR) wrote a prayer about staying safe online. Sam invited children to pray and read the prayer to them. What a fantastic start to Safer Internet Week!

        The E-Safety Champions in Year 3-6 planned and delivered their own Collective Worship to KS2 children. Summer in Year 6 opened our Collective Worship and Mollie in Year 5 lit the candle to welcome Jesus into the room. Ffion and Emilia began by telling the children about Safer Internet Day. Casey explained that we need to celebrate the fun things on the internet however there could be a number of problems that we could have online which include: seeing scary things; bullying; fake news and scams. Ffion in Year 6 introduced the theme to this year: want to talk about it. Henry in year 4 explained that it is fun to talk to our friends about the fun things we do online but we can do that with parents, carers, teachers, and any other adult too! The more we talk about the things we see and do online, the easier it is for us all to support each other. It also means that if something ever does go wrong, it’s even easier to find someone to help. Natalia, Francesca and Ollie in Year 3, all reminded the KS2 children that if we see something online that worries us, we should ‘zip it, block it and flag it’. Summer finished the Collective Worship by saying her own prayer about how we can keep safe.

        An amazing job done by our E-Safety Champions!

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