Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Taking Collective Worship to the Cedars Community

        Author: Jill Bates

        Taking Collective Worship to the Cedars Community

        On Monday 16th January 2023, our fantastic Collective Worship Council took their Collective Worship to the Cedars care home in Bourne.

        The Collective Worship Council planned and prepared their own worship around our Christian Value this term of ‘Perseverance’. The children chose the Bible story of the ‘Lost Sheep’ to read and act out as well as share the key message behind the story with the residents.

        Our council ensured their worship was inclusive, invitational and inspiring through their acting and inviting the residents to welcome Jesus as well as inviting them in joining the council with prayers they had written themselves.

        The children also recited our Memory Verse for this term and explained how it linked to Perseverance. Following the Collective Worship, our children shared times in their lives when they have had to persevere and show great courage and in turn asked the residents to share their personal experiences of perseverance and courage throughout their lives.

        Both the children and the residents thoroughly enjoyed the time to reflect as well as the time they had together discussing perseverance and courage. Our children were able to share and discuss the message behind the Bible story and the teachings of Jesus. The Collective Worship Council performed the story beautifully and left the residents with a reflective question “How do you show perseverance when things are you are finding something challenging?”

        As we are children of God and made in his image, we believe that our attitudes and choices must reflect the kindness, mercy and compassion of Jesus and the love of God for everyone.  The Collective Worship Council closed the worship with our school prayer about being a friend and showing kindness and forgiveness.




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