Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Once upon a time, we met an author!

        Author: Jill Bates

        The Year 3 children at Bourne Abbey have been counting down the days to meet author Bethan Woollvin. They have spent this term engaging in the most spectacular learning based on fractured fairy tales with a focus on Bethan’s book Little Red and could not contain their excitement as she appeared on our screens in the classrooms. Their smiles may have even been larger than the Big Bad Wolf’s before he gobbled up Grandma when they were given the opportunity to ask questions.

        Bethan was so friendly and asked the children if they would like to explore her working studio. We saw books written in a variety of languages and original artwork. The children jumped to the chance to draw alongside Bethan. They observed step by step instructions and blew all of the adults away with their own drawings of Little Red and The Big Bad Wolf.

        The absolute highlight had to be Bethan reading the children’s very own writing for the sequel Little Red 2. Their little faces when she began reading these were a picture. It was time to put their own talents to the test, the children created their own i-motion book trailers for their sequels. The children have their fingers crossed for Bethan to use their ideas in her next award-winning book. ‘This has been the best day, I can’t believe it,’ exclaimed Sam.

        Some children would find this challenge too scary…but not these little children!

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