Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Food, Glorious Food!

        Author: hue

        Year 6 participated in the ‘Roots to Food’ workshop in their class bubbles, run by Darren Tinkler, a fully qualified and experienced Chef. During the session, the children learnt a range of skills that linked to how meals are prepared, such as: stir, peel, chop, whisk and fold. Darren taught the children the importance of preparing food safely due to cross contamination as well as making sure they use equipment safely to avoid hurting themselves. They discussed the nutritional value of the food that was going to be in their meal, including how they can create a balanced diet on their plates when making a meal. The children took turns throughout the session to help prepare a ‘Chicken or Quorn Teriyaki’. At the end of the session, all children had the opportunity to try the meal they had prepared, describing the flavours and evaluating their work. Many of the children were so surprised about how much they enjoyed eating it- I think that was their favourite part! At the end of the session, children were encouraged to go home and cook the recipe with their families!


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