Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        An Egyptian Discovery For Year 3!

        Author: hue

        Year 3 Rameses

        On Wednesday 30th October, the children of Bourne Abbey Primary Academy made a most magnificent, but ever so slightly terrifying discovery.

        They were calmly starting their day, when Mr Patemen (who was as white as a sheet!), came to tell them he had discovered something truly remarkable in what used to be the Key Stage 1 Hall. The children didn’t know what to expect! Was it a hedgehog looking for a cosy place to hibernate? Was it a delivery of Year 3’s favourite sweets? Their imaginations ran wild! However, NOTHING could prepare them for what they were about to witness.

        Somehow, the Key Stage 1 Hall had become the Death Chamber of the mighty Pharaoh Rameses II. As soon as the children entered, they knew they were about to become part of something extraordinary. Suddenly, there was a low rumbling sound that shook the very foundations of the chamber, and the face of the deceased Pharaoh was projected on to the tomb walls. He had come to deliver a rather worrying message…

        When Pharaoh Rameses II had died over 3,000 years ago, he had placed a curse on his tomb. The curse meant that anyone who entered would be bound to serve the mighty ruler until they had completed a task to the highest standard. If the trespassers were to fail to complete the task adequately, they would become cursed themselves and would spend all eternity trapped and wandering within the tomb’s walls.

        The anxious children frantically assigned themselves different roles and soon teams of pyramid builders, shaduuf builders, servants, scribes and craftspeople were assembled, ready to complete the tasks set and release themselves from their potentially dreadful fate.

        The children worked amazingly in their teams, sharing ideas and resources, following instructions and solving problems; and before they knew it, their midday deadline was upon them.

        As quick as a flash, the teams gathered together their offerings ready to present to the intimidating Pharaoh. Fortunately, Rameses recognised the children’s efforts and was pleased with what they had produced – strong and sturdy pyramids and shaduufs, stunning death masks, elegantly written hieroglyphics and delicious Egyptian bread. The curse was lifted!!! And although the children skipped merrily out of the classrooms at the end of the day, they knew they had experienced a day they would remember for a very, very long time.


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