Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Year 6 Visit the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre

        Author: hue

        As part of their history topic ‘We’ll Meet Again’, on Monday 24th November, Year 6 visited Beth Shalom, Holocaust Centre in Newark. Once they had arrived at the centre, the children were able to have a virtual zoom call with Henri, a survivor from World War Two. Henri shared his experiences of being a Jewish child during the war and how he was sent away to a foster family, who looked after him during this time. After his testimony, the children had the opportunity to ask Henri questions about his life and experiences. Additionally, the Year 6 children visited The Journey exhibition led by an educator, who had expert knowledge of life during World War Two. The educators led the children through a series of rooms, which authentically represented this period of history. They followed the journey of Leo, a fictional character, who shared thoughts and a first-hand recount of a Jewish child in Nazi Germany. This exhibit provided the Year 6 children with a hands-on immersive experience and opportunity to gain empathy and understanding towards Jewish children during World War Two.

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