Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Year 6 Fieldwork Fun

        Author: hue

        On Tuesday 6th July, Year 6 went on a visit in their class bubbles around Bourne to carry out fieldwork for their geography learning. Each class went to a different location across Bourne and in small groups, conducted three surveys; a traffic, street and environmental quality survey, which gave them different information about traffic, buildings and land use in Bourne. The surveys consisted of sketching maps, observing the streets and surrounding areas and recording numbers of traffic for 5-minute intervals. The question they investigated was ‘Is there a problem with traffic in Bourne?’. After conducting their research, all of the children collated their data and created annotated photos, bar charts and detailed sketch maps to show their findings. Finally, they created a video to share their findings with the other classes across the year group and they were able to compare their results with the other classes. It was so much fun and all of the children will be able to use these skills as they move to secondary school.

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