Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        When the circus came to Bourne Abbey Primary School

        Author: Helen Fleming

        Year 1 had a fantastic time immersing themselves into their new English story for this term ‘Paddington at the Circus’. The children enjoyed listening to the story and were wowed by watching different circus acts. This inspired them to try out some of the skills for themselves. The children practised different circus skills such as hula hooping, juggling, walking across a tightrope (walking across the bench!), waking on stilts etc. They had the ‘Wow Factor’ as they showed off their skills!

        The children also made Paddington’s favourite food: marmalade sandwiches. The children scooped the marmalade onto the bread and used a knife to spread the marmalade. They ate marmalade sandwiches whilst watching a circus show.

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