Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.


        ‘Growing up today seems to be harder than ever. Children and young people face a host of novel stressors that I cannot even purport to understand. In a confusing, addictive, 24-hour online world, young people need new tools and more support.’ Alexia Adrianopoulos, supporter of the ‘Wise Up’ campaign

        We believe that good health and well-being is central to effective learning and preparation for successful, independent living. We recognise that everyone is created in the image of God and we value their individuality as they explore their own God given talents and are treated with respect and dignity at all times. It is of particular concern in the East Midlands where there is a history of poor health. If our nation’s health is to improve in the long term as well as promoting positive mental health and social well-being, then our children must be the focus. Within health and well-being, physical education can build learners’ physical competences, improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle. Through a whole-school approach to health and well-being, we can contribute significantly towards better health for the next generation.

        “Don’t you realise that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?” Corinthians 6:19.


        “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body.” Proverbs 14:30.

        Learning in health and well-being ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental, emotional, social and physical well-being now and in the future. Schools should have roles to play in supporting children to be resilient. (Public Health England)

        We also want to ensure that staff are supported and encouraged to develop personally and professionally. We recognise that staff wellbeing is important to pupil achievement and the school’s performance. We are committed to making sure that the Staff Wellbeing Policy is implemented so that each individual is able to cope successfully with the demands in their lives, whatever the cause of stress. The purpose of the policy is to maintain a school ethos which supports staff health and wellbeing by making sure that all employees are treated fairly and consistently.

        Click on the links below to take a look at resources and links which can offer a range of support and services in relation to mental health and wellbeing.



        Don’t Lose Hope



        Winston’s Wish

