Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Waving the Green Flag!

        Author: Helen Fleming

        We were absolutely thrilled that our school has received Green Flag certification with merit! This means that Green Flag have recognised Bourne Abbey Primary Academy’s commitment to including environmental issues in our curriculum and taking actions to make our school more eco-friendly. Our Eco-Warriors worked incredibly hard to achieve this, attending Nature and Gardening Clubs, litter picking every play time, labelling our bins and helping us apply for grants to improve our environmental area. Our report commented “It has been an absolute pleasure reading through your application; it has certainly inspired and motivated our team!”. Many congratulations to our Eco-Warriors and the whole school on your contributions.

        Check out more posts by Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy:

        “The Elf and the Evidence” – Year 3

        House Cross Country Competition – A Fantastic Display of Determination!

        House Team Standings!