Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Superhero Training Academy!

        Author: hue

        To celebrate the end of a wonderful first term in school and the end of our ‘Superhero Me!’ topic we held a Superhero day where the children dressed as their favourite super hero character and took part in a range of superhero tasks. As part of our number work the children were set a measuring mission to use the cubes to order the height of the superheroes and we developed our fine motor control by retrieving the spiderman counters from the web amongst a range of other exciting tasks. As part of our Literacy learning we read the super story, ‘Supertato’ and the children helped solve a puzzling situation after watching ‘CCTV’ footage of the teachers discovering that all the fruit had been stolen by the Evil Pea.  They did a fabulous job of writing letters to the office to request more fruit.

        Mrs Skidmore, Reception Year Leader, said “The children have been absolute superstars, working on their super skills to help them complete their missions and they have all graduated from Superhero Training Academy with flying colours.  We are super proud of them all!”

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