Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Super School Council Success!

        Author: hue

        You spoke and we listened! Our incredible School Councilors have demonstrated once again the power of pupil voice in our school. In a recent meeting, class representatives shared their views, and the views of their peers, on school life after lockdown. Something that was raised by multiple classes was access to playground equipment. Although the children understood Covid-19 restrictions, they were keen to come up with solutions which would enable them to utilise the fabulous equipment we have in a Covid-safe way. They approached Mrs Buttress with their ingenious ideas and as a result, new outdoor sanitiser stations have been installed as well as class timetables and cleaning schedules. Just look at how delighted the children are to be able to use the different play areas safely


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