Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.


        Author: Jill Bates

        As part of our UNICEF Outright Campaign of 2022, which was to raise awareness of mental health issues, the children of Bourne Abbey came up with the idea of creating positivity postcards to raise the spirits of the recipients. Lots of children created designs and the two most eye-catching creations were transformed into postcards. In the Autumn term, the members of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Club wrote some positive messages on the postcards, and when the weather improved, some of the children went on a short walk to deliver some of these messages as random acts of kindness. Under close supervision from club leader Mrs Anderson, some cards were popped through letterboxes, some hand delivered to passers-by and some dropped into local businesses. We hope they made people smile! One of school’s mental health first aiders is Mrs Farrar who said, “When anyone does something kind for others, it makes them feel good as well. This is a lovely thing to do and we are proud of the children for being Agents of Change and wanting to make a difference!”

        Check out more posts by Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy:

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