Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Road Safety Visit to Bourne Abbey

        Author: Jill Bates

        On Friday 6th January 2023, Mr Wright and Mr Butt, School Crossing Patrols and Mr Hall from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership visited Bourne Abbey C of E Primary Academy to talk to Key Stage Two children about road safety. They focused their discussion on safety when crossing the road using the crossing patrols close to both entrances of our school. We are extremely fortunate to have Mr Butt and Mr Wright, who keep us safe before and after school. They reminded the children of the signals that the crossing patrols will show.

        Additionally, two of our Year 6 children Mariella and Jacob, have been given the opportunity to represent our school by being ‘Junior Road Safety Officers’ this year. They will be using their role to continue to raise the important message of road safety at our school by launching a competition later this year. Mrs Rocchio, Year 6 leader said, ‘Road safety is such an important issue, particularly for those of our children who walk to school without an adult. It is also extremely valuable as part of our transition work to prepare children for their journeys to secondary school. We are extremely grateful to the road safety team for coming in to talk to us and for keeping us safe.’

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