Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Red Nose Day 2021

        Author: hue

        Red Nose Day 2021 was eagerly anticipated this year – we all needed something to smile about! So we decided to harness our Super Powers and make this Red Nose Day REALLY super. From Batman to Supergirl, space explorers to paramedics, everyone dressed up as their favourite super hero in exchange for a donation to Comic Relief. We even had the super Covid 19 vaccine in our midst!

        As well as dressing up, each class bubble decided what their super power would be and created a tailor-made activity to show off just how super we all are in our own ways. We had times tables battles, shuttle running, disco dancing and music making to name just a few – what a range of God Given Talents we all have! It was so much fun to let off some steam and enjoy ourselves whilst at the same time being Agents of Change and raising money to help people all over the country and in Africa too. We learned about the great work done by projects that are supported by Comic Relief in our virtual collective worship and were so proud of the way that the children reflected on the rights of all children and how we can help all children to access these rights.

        Year 2 were definitely Number Smart and used their superpowers to solve an outdoor maths treasure hunt! They also had to use their teamworking and problem solving skills to solve a STEM challenge: which group could create the longest paper chain with just one sheet of paper? It was fantastic to see the collaboration within teams and we were blown away by the children’s efforts – we had to lay the chains out in the corridor they were so long!

        Year 4 were both Music Smart and Practical Smart – wow!


        Our Year 6 learners and teachers getting into the swing of a Superhero Day and showing off their Times Table Rockstars Skills!



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