Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Let’s rise to the ‘Times Table Challenge’!

        Author: Kirstin Ross

        What a great start year 4 pupils have made to developing the fluency of their times tables and preparing to take the challenge of the MTC in June. The MTC stands for Multiplication Tables Check. Set by the government, the MTC is an on-screen assessment designed to determine whether pupils are able to fluently recall their multiplication tables up to 12, through a set of timed questions.

        This week we all completed our first OUMTC (Officially, Unofficial Multiplication Tables Check) on TTRS to check our progress. There were some awesome scores!

        Who would have thought learning times tables was so much fun!

        Each week we are learning or revising the facts for a specific times table and challenging ourselves to increase our fluency day by day. We have daily times table activities and regular Sound Checks on TTRS to check our own progress. Some of us like to battle against our friends on TTRS and we are all excited to start the battles with other year groups.

        Well done also to those who are practising regularly at home and thank you to parents and carers who are supporting this learning, the results are very rewarding.


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