Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Introducing our Bronze Sports Ambassadors!

        Author: Jill Bates

        Bronze Sports Ambassadors play an important role in our school undertaking a variety of responsibilities, these include: 

        • Be the youth voice for PE and school sport in their school and community; 
        • Promote the positive values of sport; 
        • Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport; 
        • Increase participation opportunities and healthy lifestyles for everyone. 

        Our ambassadors have recently had training in delivering a Collective Worship focusing on Kindness, which they will present in March – and also assistance with organising a whole school mass sports participation event in July.  

        There will be a number of exciting sports opportunities for pupils to become involved in over the next few terms and our ambassadors will be at the heart of facilitating these, ensuring we have as many children participating in physical activity as possible! 

        Check out more posts by Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy:

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