Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Deafblind awareness visit to Bourne Abbey

        Author: Jill Bates

        On the 7th of February Years Four, Five and Six were delighted to welcome Carolyn Greig, from Deafblind Awareness for our morning Collective Worship. 

        Due to our work on Protected Characteristics, we have been trying to find out more information about the Protected Characteristic of Disability. Carolyn’s talk was interesting and informative; she was able to give us lots more information about people who have issues with either their sight, their hearing, or both. 

        At the end of the Collective Worship, Mr Whiteway asked a question of reflection: “How can we help to make our Bourne Abbey Community more supportive for people who are DeafBlind?” 

        As always, we were amazed at the thoughtfulness and care of the answers from our pupils, here are just a few of them: 

        “We can hold the door open for them, help them or do something appreciative for them,” (Jasper in Year 6). 

        “No people that were shown today had deaf blindness as a barrier to their life, they lived it to their fullest and were happy! If you have a disability, it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your dreams,” (Summer, Year 6) 

        We would like to thank Carolyn for coming into Bourne Abbey, especially on the week we are also taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week, as this picture with Carolyn and our Wellbeing Warriors shows. 


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