Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Bourne Abbey – a special ‘SPY’ writing day

        Author: Jill Bates

        There’s a Spy at Bourne Abbey Primary Academy! 

        So it was that on Tuesday 22nd November, Mr Whiteway went to do his usual Collective Worship to Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. 

        Only when he got there he noticed someone had been in and completely changed the hall…there could only be one explanation…there was a SPY at Bourne Abbey! 

        Mr Whiteway decided that he’d better explain to the Bourne Abbey children that they would need to create a super spy gadget, in order to save the day. He explained that the children would be going back to their classes and creating an amazing piece of writing all about their chosen spy gadget. 

        However, there was one more twist – while Mr Whiteway had been delivering this special and important message, the enemy spy had been busy in everyone’s classrooms – making them hard to enter with super lasers that the pupils had to get past first! 

        Once the children started their writing, we were amazed by the quality of ideas and the care and control of their writing. We’ve got just some of the amazing examples (from Year 3) to share with you here. 

        Will the enemy spy return? Will our gadgets be enough to save the day? We will find out, later on in the school year… 

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