Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        Big Questions At Collective Worship Club

        Author: Jill Bates

        Big Questions at Collective Worship Club

        At Bourne Abbey, we love to challenge our theological understanding. Our Collective Worship Club provides children with the opportunities to read further Bible stories and complete activities linked to our Christian Values and to discuss and challenge religious theories or ideas they may have come across either inside or outside of school. The children who currently attend this after school club range from Years 1 to 6.

        This week, one of the children asked that we looked at the ‘Holy Trinity’ further.  Our older members were able to articulate how God is omnipresent through the ‘Holy Trinity’. To help our younger members to understand this concept further we used the analogy of water. We described ‘God the Father’ as water in a jug; ‘God the Son’ as ice as Jesus was physically present on Earth and ‘God the Holy Spirit’ as steam; he can be felt by all. What do they all have in common? Water. God in three different forms but is always come back to one God.

        We are looking forward to next week’s discussion: ‘Do you always trust in God?’

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