Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy

Striving For Excellence, Caring For All In a Loving And Caring Christian Environment.

        WOW What a Year!

        Author: hue

        As the year comes to an end, Year 6 have been busy rehearsing and putting together their end of year production: Wow What a Year!

        Everyone has been through a lot of the last 18 months and so the children wanted to reflect upon the experiences everyone has had during these unprecedented times. The show covered a range of familiar topics, discussions and experiences since the pandemic began including: home-schooling, empty supermarket shelves, bubbles, tiers, face masks, social-distancing and not being able to hug our grandparents. But it highlighted how through these challenging times heroes have emerged and we have gained hope, shown perseverance and experienced communities coming together.

        The show begins with a teacher and her class reflecting on the events which have shaped our lives during the pandemic. The performance continues by looking at different snapshots of situations from the past 18 months and how amongst the frustration and sadness there have been moments of heroism, hope and even humour.

        All the staff are so proud of the children’s maturity when approaching some of the more sensitive elements of the performance. It was a fantastic opportunity to now only provide a platform for the children reflect on the past months but also a chance for them to showcase their different talents on stage. From learning lines, to acting, to singing and dancing the children have impressed us with their enthusiasm. The children were so excited to film their parts in their class bubbles and share it with their parents and carers virtually.

        We really do think they have the Wow Factor! We wish them all the best as they start their new journey at secondary school in September.

        Check out more posts by Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy:

        Year 6 Speaks Up!

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