Bourne Abbey children were so surprised and grateful when they received a letter from Sir David Attenborough after they sent him their persuasive letters. A clear demonstration of kindness which helped to inspire the children with a personal reply to their hard work.
Year 3 began their English learning journey crafting their persuasive letters which were based around protecting bees and their habitats. They spent many weeks learning and researching these insects and recognised very quickly how essential they are to keeping our planet healthy and for our future. To inspire and inform the children, they watched Sir David Attenborough footage as well as reading the beautifully illustrated Little People text. Each child wrote a letter explaining the essential work that bees do and the need for this to be shared with the wider community.
The Year 3 teachers could not believe the quality of the writing as it included persuasive language as well as coordinating conjunctions and the rule of 3.
An extract from one of the pupils’ letters reads:
“We must protect these beautiful, intelligent and hardworking bees and do so immediately. It is a challenging task but together we can achieve this.”
Every letter, carefully handwritten by the children, were copied and sent to Sir David Attenborough by their Year Leader Miss Fleming, holding on to hope that he would respond. To her surprise, just days later, he wrote a response back to the entire year group.
Miss Fleming, Year 3 Leader added:
“My Year 3 children are very passionate about this topic so we decided to write a persuasive letter. We thought Sir David Attenborough would appreciate reading our work and we are so grateful that he took the time to respond. It’s incredibly inspiring and so important to be able to show children that their work has a real impact beyond the classroom.”