Is plastic fantastic? Well, the children at Bourne Abbey have been debating and sharing their opinion on whether in fact plastic is fantastic! The week began just like any other, until the children arrived at school on Wednesday morning to discover that the Year 3 block had been covered in plastic. The children were puzzled and had many questions. Was it from an earthquake? Or had sea creatures littered our learning spaces for revenge for humans polluting their precious oceans? This all became clearer when we began our exciting English lesson and delved into an inspiring book called ‘A Tale of a Toothbrush’. We discussed where we might find plastic and were shocked to find out that our beautiful world is in fact full of plastic! This is where our debate began. The children shared a variety of reasons for and against whether plastic deserves a place on our planet. They shared that in fact it is durable, long lasting and reusable, but we concluded that we need to be mindful of how we recycle our plastic and reduce its usage where possible. The children created some possible alternative uses for the plastic we use every day. Could we swap our plastic toothbrush for bamboo? Could we choose fruit and vegetables that are fresh and not wrapped in plastic? These small changes can make a huge difference. The children are eager to begin creating their persuasive and informative posters, detailing the importance of being Agents of Change and respecting our environment, as the future of our wonderful planet is in our hands.